Firefighting is one of the world’s riskiest occupations. Firefighters’ health is jeopardized regularly, with no idea of what they will encounter when they start their shifts. Firefighters are commonly [...]
We live in a time where people have proven to be quite “sue happy”, putting assets and services at risk, especially for certain industries such as fire departments and [...]
One of the largest changes in the fire service today is the advent of technology. While technology can keep firefighters safer and better prepared for their job, there is [...]
In Boise, Idaho, some police and fire employees, retired workers and their dependents may have had personal information stolen as part of a security breach of a company that [...]
Twenty years ago, it would have been virtually unheard of for the average company to purchase employment practices liability insurance, also referred to as EPLI insurance. Within the last [...]
We all love indulging in junk food from time to time, but it will not help performance on the fire and rescue scene. Better performance and physique start in [...]
Firefighters and first responders face an intimidating variety of incidents, with some having the potential for fatal injury. Natural disasters are relatively infrequent, whereas man-caused terrorism events are difficult [...]
Firefighters put their lives and health on the line to protect their community. However, when it comes to injuries sustained, those in this line of work can come to [...]
It is important for firefighting operations to be aware of the special rules that apply to injuries caused by medical malpractice during emergency medical care. State laws typically protect [...]
Your fire department may or may not have implemented a health and wellness program. If yours does, how are you managing it? If yours doesn’t, how are you going [...]