With winter weather settling throughout the country, members of fire services have to brave the elements while trying to get their job done. From heavy snowfall to drizzling sleet [...]
The firefighting profession is one that can be emotional and stressful. From burn victims to cleaning up after a natural disaster, first responders see and feel various traumatic events [...]
Every year, nearly 60,000 firefighters sustain an injury in the line of duty. From smoke inhalation to falling objects to burns, they can experience many different risks on a call. Another [...]
The fire service is continuously addressing safety to reduce deaths and injuries in the line of duty. With risks ranging from burns to falling objects, firefighters face a wide [...]
Forcible entry is an essential component of firefighting functioning as it’s the first line of defense for extinguishing a fire. Firefighters need to breach through doors, windows, walls, floors, and security [...]
When a fire truck or ambulance heads out in response to an emergency, most people don’t think twice about getting out of their way. But even though it’s the [...]
Following a medical leave for an injury or health issue of some kind, how do firefighters and their superiors know it’s the right time to come back? Medical examinations [...]
For many first responders, this year’s COVID-19 outbreak has been very trying and stressful, impacting firefighter mental health in several ways. While most are concerned with the physical impacts [...]
The idea that firefighters dislike cops, and vice versa, has been around since first responders began. While it may sound juvenile, there are times when the different agencies have [...]
As firefighters, your clients know that their day-to-day operations could include confronting chemical contamination. But what about a whole new kind of contamination in COVID-19? The spread of the [...]