When you meet with firefighting companies to design their insurance plans, you take the chief’s experience, the number of firefighters, and the number of calls they usually make into [...]
Successfully transitioning into the ranks of battalion chiefs requires personal patience and reliance on tidbits of wisdom from those who have already walked down that road. While it might [...]
While it may come as no surprise that firefighting is a physically and mentally rigorous profession, many people do not realize that it is an exceptionally competitive field. Because [...]
Since 2008, firefighters have increasingly used unmanned aerial vehicles to help fight fires. Since that time, UAVs, or drones, have increasingly become part of standard operations for many fire [...]
When most people think of a firefighter, the image that comes to mind is a muscular young person in the prime of life, perhaps rushing into a burning building [...]
First responders handle stressful situations regularly. It’s practically in the job description. Fire departments deal with life and death, trauma and uncertainty as a matter of course. Even so, [...]
If you have a client who knows someone who is interested in becoming a firefighter, you may want to have a sit-down discussion with them about what it takes [...]
While a fire department provides a crucial community service, the agency itself isn’t free from disaster threats. Litigation is a time-consuming, expensive process that can make it difficult for [...]
It seems that every time disaster strikes, citizens realize that firefighters are some of our nation’s true heroes. However, many are not above suing their local fire inspector for [...]
When it comes to firefighting services, having business intelligence as a part of its operations is key to making informed decisions from the top. In fact, almost half of [...]