Forcible entry is an essential component of firefighting functioning as it’s the first line of defense for extinguishing a fire. Firefighters need to breach through doors, windows, walls, floors, and security [...]
Following a medical leave for an injury or health issue of some kind, how do firefighters and their superiors know it’s the right time to come back? Medical examinations [...]
As firefighters, your clients know that their day-to-day operations could include confronting chemical contamination. But what about a whole new kind of contamination in COVID-19? The spread of the [...]
Firefighters face a number of unique and dangerous challenges throughout their daily lives. From smoke inhalation to the potential for death to occur, the role of a firefighter is [...]
Firefighting is one of the world’s riskiest occupations. Firefighters’ health is jeopardized regularly, with no idea of what they will encounter when they start their shifts. Firefighters are commonly [...]
We all love indulging in junk food from time to time, but it will not help performance on the fire and rescue scene. Better performance and physique start in [...]
Firefighters and first responders face an intimidating variety of incidents, with some having the potential for fatal injury. Natural disasters are relatively infrequent, whereas man-caused terrorism events are difficult [...]
It is important for firefighting operations to be aware of the special rules that apply to injuries caused by medical malpractice during emergency medical care. State laws typically protect [...]
Your fire department may or may not have implemented a health and wellness program. If yours does, how are you managing it? If yours doesn’t, how are you going [...]
2019 has been quite the year for California’s land, and not in a good way. There have been far too many fires, which have destroyed land, homes, and living [...]